To Ourselves and Our Posterity

My great-grandparents were two of the most influential people in my life; both of which were the children of refugees. I was lucky enough to be raised by them and to absolutely love America. We also loved being Sicilian but in “Papa’s” household America came first. His family came here to start a better life, and this country provided him with the means to build himself up. Why on Earth would he show nationalism to another country that forced him and his family out? I carried that logic with me my entire life. Every refugee and child of refugees that I personally know, love America and what it stands for. They hold the same mentality that my Papa taught me. So when I see people claiming to be refugees but chanting in the street in favor of the very form of government they came from it feels… a bit… off…? Calls to action for the rise of sharia law… globally? While they claim to have left there because of terrorist take overs. They surely didn’t flee from their countries because of democracy.

The way I look at this there are two scenarios

  1. These are the children of parents who wanted a better life for them, who really did flee; but through the privilege of growing up American they were able to long for the land that their ancestors came from. However, they don’t care to learn about their own history or the fall of empires via radical extremist groups. They don’t want to face the fact that some of their own people are the one’s who turned on their own brothers. This level of willful ignorance is why history repeats itself. Because, again, they’re not just showing pride for their ancestral homeland, they’re showing nationalism for what that country CURRENTLY is.


  2. The people we see in the streets calling for “death to America” are just straight out terrorists. They know what their calls to “globalize the intifada” mean and they say it with their chests. When someone shows you who they really are, believe them.

in order to

secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity

we need to secure the border.

This does not mean an all out shut down to immigration. It simply means to stop this mass invasion of people who would like nothing more than to see America fall. We need to be processing people; finding out who they are and what they want. We need to be ensuring safety for the American people and reality is we can not do that while our enemies are preying on our goodwill.


Bring Them Home.