The Lies We Feel in Our Pockets

While the Biden administration attempts to twist facts and gaslight us into thinking the economy is on the up and up- the average American knows better. The US department of agriculture reported in November of 2019 that the price of whole milk was $3.45 per gallon. By November of 2023 that price had reached $4.34. The White House boasts that inflation is “down to only 3.1% from its peak” but anyone who has been to a grocery store lately knows we’re paying about 20% more for food than we were before this administration implemented it’s extreme policies.

From the absolutely asinine reaction to COVID-19 to proxy wars. It shows the pure disconnect that the Democratic Party has to the average citizen. While the rest of us struggle to put food on the table Democrats are focused on “clean energy”. As if we have extra cash lying around to get a buy a new Tesla.

They claim Republicans have no plan to combat inflation but from 2019- today we have been blue in the face screaming to stop these nonsensical policies.

When Biden was shutting down “nonessential” businesses, Republicans were asking how Americans were going to put food on their table. They fought tooth and nail. What eventually happened? Production shut downs of all kinds. Which led to low supply. Low supply + average demand = higher prices. Now that companies have figured out people will pay higher prices, those prices wont come back down without a dramatic decrease in demand. How will we get a dramatic decrease in demand for food? We wont.

The Federal Reserve’s interest rate hike temporarily decreased the demand for housing but prices didn’t fall as intended. As we see the interest rates decrease we’re going to see another spike in housing cost. I wont directly blame the administration for this but its a ramification of the inflation started by the covid restrictions.

Republicans called this and begged this administration not to do every single thing it did that we knew would ruin the economy. Now Biden says we don’t have any plans? To fix what he broke.

As a solution Democrats are calling for higher wages and stricter taxes on businesses.

I agree that American’s need pay increases. We have seen the free market taking care of this without an official increase in federal minimum wage. However when inflation is out of control companies cant keep up with it until it slows. Therefor there is a lull until employers can implement these raises. For example: let’s say over a year’s span inflation goes up 7%. You’re pay is not keeping up with inflation until the following January when raises typically come. So from January to January your monthly salary buys less and less. Which can largely explain why the average American has $7,951 in credit card debt. Tax breaks during this time makes far more sense than requiring private companies to increase pay which is just going to lead to… higher prices.

Continuing this cycle is chaos.

“But if businesses don’t pay more in taxes how will we get out of debt?” This leads me to government spending… We have got to stop the proxy wars. As much as I stand against foreign aggression and imperialism- we don’t have any money to give. You can not pour from an empty cup. The US needs to get our own house in order first.

To do this we need to:

-Stop all the needless spending.

-Track our money better (looking at you Pentagon)

-and Introduce tax relief programs that will help Americans naturally stimulate the economy (printing more money is not the resolution)

I won’t claim I have all of the answers to a perfect economy but we have to start somewhere.

Helpful Links

USDA Milk 2019

USDA Milk 2023

White House November CPI Statement

USA Today Article on Credit Card Debt


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